- From spatial to body acceleration
- Modeling and control of legged locomotion
- Reinforcement learning for legged robots
- Robotics - Master MVA - Fall 2024
- Between model-based and visuo-motor motion control
- A Data-driven Contact Estimation Method for Wheeled-Biped Robots
- Linear-time Differential Inverse Kinematics: an Augmented Lagrangian Perspective
- Balancing is a low-frequency task
- Some elements of model engineering for optimal control
- Introduction to optimal control: LQR
- Lasso regularization in quadratic programming
- The ZMP is an axis, not a point
- Next iterations of quadratic programming for adaptive and robust motion control
- Robotics - Master MVA - Fall 2023
- PROXQP: an Efficient and Versatile Quadratic Programming Solver for Real-Time Robotics Applications and Beyond
- Wheeled inverted pendulum model
- Twisting friction at surface contacts
- Open source robots: to make, or not to make?
- Jacobian of a kinematic task and derivatives on manifolds
- Motion control software for homemade robots
- Humanoid and wheeled-legged controllers in C++ and Python: balancing at different frequencies
- Contact flexibility and force control
- Optimality conditions and numerical tolerances in QP solvers
- Computing torques to compensate gravity in humanoid robots
- Motion control bits for homemade robots
- Ideas and software for the locomotion of homemade robots
- Kinematics of a symmetric leg
- Open loop and closed loop model predictive control
- Knee torque of a lumped mass model
- Revolute joints
- Spatial vector algebra cheat sheet
- Au revoir Jean-Paul
- Recursive Newton-Euler algorithm
- Point mass model
- Simple linear regression with online updates
- Joint torques and Jacobian transpose
- Principle of virtual work
- Forward dynamics
- 3D biped locomotion control including seamless transition between walking and running via 3D ZMP manipulation
- Kinematics jargon
- Humanoid Control Under Interchangeable Fixed and Sliding Unilateral Contacts
- Conversion from least squares to quadratic programming
- Linear least squares in Python
- ZMPの3次元的操作による可捕性規範凹凸地面上二脚運動制御
- Position and coordinate systems
- ZMP support area
- Biped Stabilization by Linear Feedback of the Variable-Height Inverted Pendulum Model
- Constrained equations of motion
- Feasible Region: an Actuation-Aware Extension of the Support Region
- Tuning the LIPM walking controller
- On scaling control systems for bipedal locomotion
- Humanoid Robots in Aircraft Manufacturing: The Airbus Use Cases
- Divergent components of motion
- Lower body control of a semi-autonomous avatar in Virtual Reality: Balance and Locomotion of a 3D Bipedal Model
- Capture point
- Linear inverted pendulum model
- Balance of Humanoid Robots in a Mix of Fixed and Sliding Multi-Contact Scenarios
- Parametric recurrence quantification analysis of autoregressive processes for pattern recognition in multichannel electroencephalographic data
- Walking and stair climbing controller for locomotion in an aircraft factory
- Stair Climbing Stabilization of the HRP-4 Humanoid Robot using Whole-body Admittance Control
- Capturability-based Pattern Generation for Walking with Variable Height
- Prototyping a walking pattern generator
- Floating base estimation
- How do biped robots walk?
- Walking and stair climbing stabilization for position-controlled biped robots
- Stair Climbing Stabilization of the HRP-4 Humanoid Robot
- Converting robot models to OpenRAVE
- How do biped robots walk?
- 3D Bipedal Walking including COM height variations
- Balance control using both ZMP and COM height variations: A convex boundedness approach
- Robotics assignment 1
- Reviewing a scientific paper
- What is a controller?
- CMake can use a local Boost
- Walking on Gravel with Soft Soles using Linear Inverted Pendulum Tracking and Reaction Force Distribution
- Post-Impact Adaptive Compliance for Humanoid Falls Using Predictive Control of a Reduced Model
- When to make a step? Tackling the timing problem in multi-contact locomotion by TOPP-MPC
- Pendular models for walking over rough terrains
- Multi-Contact Interaction Force Sensing from Whole-Body Motion Capture
- Projecting polytopes
- Polyhedra and polytopes
- Dynamic Walking over Rough Terrains by Nonlinear Predictive Control of the Floating-base Inverted Pendulum
- Multi-Contact Motion Planning and Control
- Writing a scientific paper
- Solving an ordinary differential inequality
- Quadratic programming in Python
- Contact modes
- Contact stability
- Wrench friction cones
- Une histoire de la locomotion humanoïde : du sol plat au tout-terrain
- ZMP Support Areas for Multi-contact Mobility Under Frictional Constraints
- Whole-Body Contact Force Sensing From Motion Capture
- Completeness of Randomized Kinodynamic Planners with State-based Steering
- Time-Optimal Parameterization: a tool for Humanoid Motion Planning and Predictive Control
- Multi-contact Walking Pattern Generation based on Model Preview Control of 3D COM Accelerations
- Friction cones
- Admissible Velocity Propagation: Beyond Quasi-Static Path Planning for High-Dimensional Robots
- Support Areas and Volumes for Humanoid Locomotion under Frictional Contacts
- Supervoxel Plane Segmentation and Multi-Contact Motion Generation for Humanoid Stair Climbing
- Installing OpenRAVE on Ubuntu 16.04
- Differential inverse kinematics
- Point de non-basculement
- Zero-tilting moment point
- Screw axes
- Screw theory
- ZMP support areas for multi-contact locomotion
- Newton-Euler equations
- Makefiles for LaTeX
- Configuring Awesome with Gnome on Ubuntu
- Computational Foundation for Planner-in-the-Loop Multi-Contact Whole-Body Control of Humanoid Robots
- Follow your digital society
- In addition to open access
- Perspectives on Motion Planning and Control for Humanoid Robots in Multi-contact Scenarios
- Solving symbolic equations with SymPy
- Getting started with awesome
- Vim Keyboard Shortcuts
- Equations of motion
- Computing the inertia matrix in OpenRAVE
- Getting started with OpenRAVE
- Installing OpenRAVE on Ubuntu 14.04
- Troubleshooting OpenRAVE installation
- Modèles simplifiés pour la locomotion des robots humanoïdes en terrain accidenté
- Debian 9 Mail Server, Part II: SPF and DKIM
- Koto et Biwa
- Planning with the Center-of-Mass rather than Stances for Humanoids Walking on Uneven Terrains
- Improve your Nginx SSL configuration
- Linear Programming in Python with CVXOPT
- Teleoperation System Design of Valve Turning Motions in Degraded Communication Conditions
- System and method for recommending items in a social network
- Leveraging Cone Double Description for Multi-contact Stability of Humanoids with Applications to Statics and Dynamics
- Stability of Surface Contacts for Humanoid Robots
- How to get around the Wii Error Code 20110
- Chiens de berger
- Renewing SSL certificates
- Method for cold start of a multi-armed bandit in a recommender system
- Kinodynamic Motion Retiming for Humanoid Robots
- 文化と外国生活
- Why do we need anonymity and encryption?
- Is the Internet cheap?
- Scale of the Internet
- Reposting my homework
- Media Vultures
- On counter-powers
- 社会のブルジョワ化
- Debian 9 Mail Server, Part I: Postfix and Dovecot
- 昔ギリシャの神様
- Linear Programming in Python with PuLP
- Completeness of Randomized Kinodynamic Planners with State-based Steering
- Consensus du jour
- Debugging with IPython
- Debugging C++ projects with GDB
- Installing Debian on a Sony laptop
- Exercice de la liberté économique
- Student's t-test in Python
- Kinodynamic Motion Planners based on Velocity Interval Propagation
- Promenade binaire
- Mixing bandits
- 共和国と民主主義
- Setting up a BIGLOBE Connection
- Superposing video frames in a single picture
- Kinodynamic planning in the configuration space via Admissible Velocity Propagation
- Rename/resize pictures with the command line
- P2P Storage Systems: Study of Different Placement Policies
- John Cage contre votre iPod
- Journal Club: "Continuous Inverse Optimal Control with Locally Optimal Examples"
- The Browsing Combo
- Leveraging Side Observations in Stochastic Bandits
- LightBlog
- Argmax in Python
- 3D hardware canaries
- Want to discover new music? Lose your iPod.
- How to play any DVD on Ubuntu
- Reasonable linear models
- N900 tethering on Ubuntu 11.04
- An introduction to decision trees
- Automatic File Sync from USB Key on Windows 7
- Installing Debian on a Sony laptop
- Dirty Memory Usage Snippet in Python
- A model of network neutrality with usage-based prices
- Fullscreen background image with CSS
- Weighted random choice in Python
- Aggregate functions in SQL, ALTER clauses in SQLite
- Application Neutrality and a Paradox of Side Payments
- Incentive-based Energy Consumption Scheduling Algorithms for the Smart Grid
- A Study of Non-neutral Networks with Usage-Based Prices
- Data Life Time for Different Placement Policies in P2P Storage Systems
- Integrating cosines of polynomials
- Intégrales de cosinus de polynômes
- P2P Storage Systems
- Quick way to find big prime numbers
- Makefile for a simple C project
- Introduction à GNU Make
- Backing up data with rsync
- Cloudster
- Tours de Hanoï
- Union-find
- Théorème de relèvement
- Algorithmes arithmétiques en Maple
- Le langage C