Incentive-based Energy Consumption Scheduling Algorithms for the Smart Grid

Stéphane Caron and George Kesidis. IEEE SmartGridComm 2010.


In this paper, we study Demand Response (DR) problematics for different levels of information sharing in a smart grid. We propose a dynamic pricing scheme incentivizing consumers to achieve an aggregate load profile suitable for utilities, and study how close they can get to an ideal flat profile depending on how much information they share. When customers can share all their load profiles, we provide a distributed algorithm, set up as a cooperative game between consumers, which significantly reduces the total cost and peak-to-average ratio (PAR) of the system. In the absence of full information sharing (for reasons of privacy), when users have only access to the instantaneous total load on the grid, we provide distributed stochastic strategies that successfully exploit this information to improve the overall load profile. Simulation results confirm that these solutions efficiently benefit from information sharing within the grid and reduce both the total cost and PAR.


  title = {Incentive-based energy consumption scheduling algorithms for the smart grid},
  author = {Caron, St{\'e}phane and Kesidis, George},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE international conference on Smart grid communications (SmartGridComm)},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {391--396},
  doi = {10.1109/SMARTGRID.2010.5622073},


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