Superposing video frames in a single picture

Paper (dead trees) is not the best format to publish video content, but one doesn't always choose her medium. In this post, I will explain how I used FFmpeg and ImageMagick to convert a small video sequence into a superposition of pictures with varying hue and opacity. Apart from figuring out the appropriate command lines, what I found interesting here is the progression from command line to shell script, Makefile, and then some Python scripts. The result is a quick-and-dirty pipeline: a one-shot solution that I can save and reconsider later, if needed.

Swinging a pendulum

So I had this one-second video showing a pendulum swing up in four successive swings. I chose to convert it to a single picture in the following way:

  • the center of the pendulum is fixed (at the center of the picture);
  • opacity (alpha channel) goes from 30% to 100% at time goes by;
  • the hue of the pendulum changes during each of the successive swings.

You can see the result below: the pendulum first goes right (green), then left (blue), then further right (magenta) and finally all the way up (red).

Output image

Extracting video frames

A single call to FFmpeg does the trick:

$ ffmpeg -i video.mpg -ss 00:00:00.500 -r 24 tmp/image-%3d.jpg

The -r argument indicates the frame rate, here 24 fps, while -ss specifies when to start in the sequence using the format hh:mm:ss[.xxx] (here, I skipped the first half second). All pictures will be saved using the pattern format supplied in the last argument, which is a printf format string ("%3d" means three-digit integer, so the output images will be saved as tmp/image-001.jpg, tmp/image-002.jpg, and so on).


All my frames had a white background. I needed to make it transparent so I could layer frames on top of each other, which can be done using the convert tool from ImageMagick and a simple sheel loop:

for i in tmp/image-*.jpg; do
    convert $i -fuzz 5% -transparent white ${i/jpg/png}

The MPEG format uses JPEG for image compression, but JPEG does not support transparency, so the pictures here are converted to PNG (using the shell construct ${variable/pattern/replacement}, see the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide). The -transparent argument is used to set the transparency color, white here. Since my frames were dirty, the background wasn't exactly white (RGB 255, 255, 255), so I added the -fuzz argument to specify a 5% tolerance.


It took me some time to figure out the right calls to convert. After several devastations of my pictures folder, I figured out I ought to automate the process of starting again from the beginning, so I put everything in a Makefile:

SHELL=/bin/bash  # otherwise Make uses /bin/sh

all: clean ffmpeg transparency

    mkdir $(WORKDIR)

clean: $(WORKDIR)
    find $(WORKDIR) -mindepth 1 -delete

ffmpeg: clean
    ffmpeg -i $(VIDEO) -r $(FRATE) -ss 00:00:00.550 $(WORKDIR)/image-%3d.jpg

    for i in $(WORKDIR)/*.jpg; do \
        convert $$i -fuzz 5% -transparent white $${i/jpg/png}; \
    rm -f $(WORKDIR)/*.jpg

Crossing the alpha channel

The next step was to set the opacity of pictures in the working folder from 30% for image-001.png to 100% for the last one. Since it involves computing a fraction for each file, I thought a small Python script would be a good way to go:

import os
import sys

src_dir = sys.argv[1]
all_files = os.listdir(src_dir)
nb_files = len(all_files)
min_alpha = 30.  # %

for i, fname in enumerate(sorted(all_files)):
    alpha = min_alpha + i * (100. - min_alpha) / nb_files
    fpath = os.path.join(src_dir, fname)
    cmd = "mogrify -alpha on -channel a -evaluate and "
    cmd += "%02d%% %s" % (alpha, fpath)
    print cmd

I guess one can perform the same operation within the command line, but I don't have sufficient shell proficiency to do it ;) Here, I called mogrify, which is the same as convert but stores the result in place instead of saving it to a seperate output file. The call for each file is

mogrify -alpha on -channel a -evaluate and XX image.png

Where XX goes from 0% to 100%. -alpha on turns on the alpha channel, while -channel a selects it. -evaluate specifies a pixel-wise operator: for instance, -evaluate set 50% means you set all pixels' alpha values to 50%. However, we previously set a transparent background here: using set would override it and put a semi-transparent white instead. With and, 0% (transparent) stays 0%, and 100% (opaque) becomes the new value.

Hue make me feel

For this operation, I needed to set the hue of the picture based on its position in the sequence: after identifying (manually) the key frames at which I wanted the hue to change, I resorted to a small Python script again:

import os
import sys

key_frames = [10, 24, 37]

src_dir = sys.argv[1]
all_files = os.listdir(src_dir)
nb_files = len(all_files)

key_files = ["image-%03d.png" % fid for fid in key_frames]
print key_files
hue_step = 120 / len(key_files)
hue = 0

for i, fname in enumerate(sorted(all_files)):
    alpha = i * 100. / nb_files
    fpath = os.path.join(src_dir, fname)
    outpath = os.path.join(src_dir, fname + '.hued')
    cmd = "convert -modulate 100,100,%d %s %s" % (hue, fpath, outpath)
    print cmd
    if fname in key_files:
        hue += hue_step

Again, shell power users, feel free to let me know how to do it in Bash/Zsh :)

Merging all frames

The command line to merge all layers into one is the following:

convert tmp/image-* -background none -compose dst_over -flatten output.png

The two important parts are the compose method, -compose dst_over, which merges files atop each other in the order of the list (first ones going under), and -flatten, which merges all layers into one.

It's the final Makefile

My final Makefile looks like this:

SHELL=/bin/bash  # otherwise Make uses /bin/sh

    rm -rf $(WORKDIR)/

ffmpeg: clean
    mkdir $(WORKDIR)
    ffmpeg -i $(VIDEO) -r $(FRATE) -ss 00:00:00.550 $(WORKDIR)/image-%3d.jpg

    for i in $(WORKDIR)/*.jpg; do \
        convert $$i -fuzz 30% -transparent white $${i/jpg/png} \
    rm $(WORKDIR)/*.jpg

    python $(WORKDIR)

all: clean ffmpeg transparency alpha
    python $(WORKDIR)
    convert $(WORKDIR)/image-*.hued -background none -compose dst_over -flatten $(OUTPUT)
    rm -f $(WORKDIR)/*.hued

Now that I look back on it, I find this whole pipeline follows the quick-and-dirty principle: build incrementally, only go to the higher level of complexity when needed. It also follows from my laziness: don't plan ahead, crawl the Internet for the answer (command line) when needed, don't think, drink coffee, crawl the Internet even more frantically, and so on.

PS: Unnecessary loops

An acute reader pointed out that the for loops that I have used here are unnecessarily complicated: both convert and mogrify have a -format argument that can be used to treat all files in a single call. For instance,

for i in tmp/image-*.jpg; do
    convert $i -fuzz 5% -transparent white ${i/jpg/png}


convert -format png -fuzz 5% -transparent white tmp/image-*.jpg


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