Next iterations of quadratic programming for adaptive and robust motion control

Talk given at the Humanoids 2023 workshop on Generalizable and Robust Decision Making, Planning, and Control for Humanoid Loco-Manipulation, 12 December 2023.


Convex quadratic programming (QP) has become a major item in the robotics toolbox, with well-known applications including whole-body control, model predictive control (MPC), contact planning and state estimation. Current challenges when solving QP-formulated problems include feasibility (ensuring that a solution exists, e.g. when some problem parameters come from measurements), recursive feasibility (in MPC: ensuring the system does not steer towards unfeasible problems) and real-time performance. In this talk, we review new features brought by an upcoming generation of QP solvers. We will focus in particular on ProxQP, which can handle non-convex or unfeasible problems and always returns a principled solution. We will further develop how this enables the inclusion of differentiable QP layers in end-to-end trainable control pipelines.


Stéphane is a research scientist at Inria. He received his M.Sc. in computer science from the École Normale Supérieure in 2012, and his Ph.D. in mechano-informatics from the University of Tokyo in 2016. Stéphane has worked at CNRS as tenured researcher and at ANYbotics AG as locomotion team lead before joining Inria where he is currently (having a blast) bridging motion control and computer vision. Stéphane is a proponent of open source robotics and contributes to projects like Upkie wheeled bipeds, and qpbenchmark.


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