Some concepts, when you learn them, seem to connect with what you already know
and build new objects that make sense, that is, with the approval of your
reason. This is the ideal scenario. It is likely that things flow nicely
because the intellectual path has been "polished" by previous travelers.
(Sometimes the fruit of centuries of effort and heated debates, such as the
conciliation of Euclidean and analytical geometry in mathematics.) And then,
there are the unpolished ones, those ideas and techniques that are still rough
around the edges. Papers and code seem to take for granted, so most likely they
work, yet there's no consensual explanation easy to find in the literature.
At the time I was a graduate student, the following equation was one of these
rough edges for me. Every once in a while I would run into a paper on humanoid
robots that would compute the joint torques cause by contact forces using the
transpose of the contact Jacobian:
τc=Jc(q)⊤fwith τc the vector of joint torques caused by contact forces,
Jc the Jacobian of the contact constraint (for instance foot
contacts with the ground for a biped), q the configuration vector of
joint angles and floating-base coordinates, and f the vector of
contact forces applied by the environment onto the robot. Papers would mention
it derives from the principle of virtual work, sometimes with no
reference, sometimes with a reference to a textbook on fixed-base manipulators
(humanoids are floating-base robots).
This equation is correct, yet I've been on the lookout for years before finding
a proof that did not cost me a leap of faith. (Are the assumptions clear? Is
every step of the demonstration correct?) Part of this is due to the evolution
of the literature from manipulators to floating-base robots: while the
confusion was not a big deal with the former, with the latter we should bear in
mind that τc is not the vector of actuated joint torques of the
robot, but only the contribution to these torques caused by contact forces.
As of today, the clearest demonstration I could find is the derivation from
the principle of least constraint.
It leads us to the constrained equation of motion, where we can see other
contributions from gravity, the centripetal and Coriolis effects:
M(q)q¨+q˙⊤C(q)q˙=S⊤τ+τg(q)+Jc(q)⊤fEnough with the history! Here is a bonus question to see if you understand
these concepts better from today's literature: did you know that the vector of
joint torques caused by gravity can in fact be written as follows?
τg(q)=mJCoM(q)⊤gHere g is the three-dimensional acceleration due to gravity,
m is the total mass of the robot and JCoM is the
Jacobian of the center-of-mass position. Hint: the answer can be derived
directly from the principle of least action. It is also written down somewhere
linked from this website ;-)
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