Reinforcement learning for locomotion

Stéphane Caron. Fall 2024 class at Master MVA, Mines de Paris and École normale supérieure, Paris.


This is a crash course on applying reinforcement learning to train policies that balance real legged robots. We first review the necessary basics: partially-observable Markov decision processes, value functions, the goal of reinforcement learning. We then focus on policy optimization: REINFORCE, policy gradient and proximal policy optimization (PPO). We finally focus on techniques to train real-robot policies from simulation data: domain randomization, simulation augmentation, teacher-student distillation, reward shaping, ...


pdf Slides
github Lab notebook
github Source of teaching material (CC-BY-4.0 license)


Upkie robot balancing in simulation and in the real world

On Linux, you can run train and run the open source PPO balancer for Upkie wheeled bipeds:

$ git clone
$ cd ppo_balancer
$ conda create -f environment.yaml
$ conda activate ppo_balancer
$ make show_training


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