************* Interpolation ************* Interpolation is the operation of computing trajectories that connect an initial state (position and its derivatives such as velocity and acceleration) to a desired one. Position ======== In the absence of inequality constraints, interpolation for positions can be solved by `polynomial interpolation `_. The following functions and classes provide simple interfaces for this common operation. .. autofunction:: pymanoid.interp.interpolate_cubic_bezier .. autofunction:: pymanoid.interp.interpolate_cubic_hermite .. autoclass:: pymanoid.interp.LinearPosInterpolator :members: .. autoclass:: pymanoid.interp.CubicPosInterpolator :members: .. autoclass:: pymanoid.interp.QuinticPosInterpolator :members: Orientation =========== In the absence of inequality constraints, interpolation for orientations can be solved by `spherical linear interpolation `_. The following functions and classes provide simple interfaces for this common operation. They compute *poses*: following OpenRAVE terminology, the pose of a rigid body denotes the 7D vector of its 4D orientation quaternion followed by its 3D position coordinates. .. autofunction:: pymanoid.interp.interpolate_pose_linear .. autofunction:: pymanoid.interp.interpolate_pose_quadratic .. autoclass:: pymanoid.interp.LinearPoseInterpolator :members: .. autoclass:: pymanoid.interp.CubicPoseInterpolator :members: .. autoclass:: pymanoid.interp.PoseInterpolator :members: .. autoclass:: pymanoid.interp.QuinticPoseInterpolator :members: